
more of that lock

There is another canal pic on the blog but I can't rotate it so I'm not uploading it

Indianapolis can have attractive stuff? who knew! I get to eat lunch on the canal when it's nice- a perk of my internship


Gnarls Barkley - Going On

Pretty sweet new video from Gnarls Barkley, one of my fav songs from the new CD The Odd Couple. Going to see them in less than 4 months (maybe less but I don't "do" numbers after 10p).

However, Blind Mary has been stuck in my had since I started working with a woman with the last name Marek, and another coworker comes over to her desk to bug her and calls her Maaaaarek, like Jackee used to say Maaaaary

Jackee looking sassy/fierce

A gift

Yesterday I came back to my desk to find this lovley supply holder from Megan (my desk neighbor). Cute, no? the inside is a tree. Sharpie on styrofoam.

Clinton campaign left bills unpaid at IU

From the Indy Star

Article Title:
Clinton campaign left bills unpaid at IU


Hillary Rodham Clinton's presidential campaign has moved on from Indiana, leaving behind $55,000 in unpaid bills for campaign events at Indiana University.
Oy- I don't know which really makes me more pissed- that people in her campaign are letting this drag or that the university has an "oh well" attitude about it all. I support Hillary Clinton running for president as long as she wants, as long as she can pay for it. To continue to run and not be able to pay people is, frankly, disgusting. This comes as a slap in the face to someone paying a ridiculous tuition even in the face of a physician shortage.

Mediocre Model Mantra

What ANTM rejects tell themselves

Some music

This is what I am currently bopping to

Lykke Li - I'm Good I'm Gone (Black Kids Remix)

It's helping to ease the pain of the fact that I can update my blog with text messages, but when I try to get the confirmation code for pictures my phone just resets
still testing
ugh technology




Well, here it goes again

I'm living in Indianapolis for most of the summer for an internship. Since I have so much free time on my hands (read: I'm not playing WoW here) I figured I would resume blogging. I've done so in the past and actually had a pretty decent following when I livejournal'd.

My problems in the past have been things like motivation, purpose, etc. Maybe I will just keep it real and say this is for humor, link sharing, introspection, updates on all things Matt Gentry, and shameless ass self-promotion.