
My Voice of Hope

Well, the name for the 2008 literary publication of the IU School of Medicine is “Reflections: Voices of Hope in our Community.” We FINALLY had an editorial board meeting about this today and I feel much better- I think I was sitting on more anxiety about this than I realized. Anyway, I am reinvigorated about this project for two main reasons, being-

1) I’m actually being given some creative latitude.

2) One of the main people on my editorial board totes thinks like me- he has an amazing way of disarming people and getting them to accept his point on a level that is not conscious to mere mortals. Even better is he’s usually pushing the same point I am.

3) Ok, there’s three. This is for everyone that’s rolled their eyes or given an “Oh….that” to my Internship. Eat a dick. What amazing thing did YOU do this summer?

Well, even though I am leaving my hot as all get out room on July 19th I might not be in Bloomington so soon- apparently a girl I work with’s boyfriend’s dad owns a lot of vacant buildings downtown and might let me stay in one (?). This is bizarre because (Yay more lists)

1) I do not know this man or these properties

2) I am actually trying to just get every other day off

3) I could have used this before I payed $600 to sleep in satan’s shoebox on the southside

Behold the power of threes


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