
Oh mondays

Feeling a little emotionally labile today. Realizing a lot of it has to do with Indianapolis living situation not really being calm or relaxing, nor do the people I live with turn on the air conditioning ever. Internship is beginning to lack either top-down-do-this-this-and-this structure or known parameters within which I am able to roam. I can either do a bunch of predetermined bullshit within deadlines or work some creative magic but only if I know what my scope and resources are, and especially if it involves getting creative to solve a problem. I know I'm getting paid either way and as long as I do what I'm told and don't flake out a lot I can get a good recommendation out of the program, but I've been doing a decent amount of surviving instead of living recently and I think it's wearing me down. I also have no idea how I ended up the omega intern. Cruel twist of fate- copious amounts of free time on the internet and no macromedia flash player. Argh.

Flash player seriously is the high fructose corn syrup of the internet- it is in shit you wouldn't even believe.

How to cure this whealing ennui? Well I found this book "Drawing with the Right Side of your Brain" or something like that that I had purchased on an impulse over spring break along with a cartooning book (I was on a drawing kick). Hopefully I can do one or two of those a night. I might even upload them to the old blog.

At some point I need to make a medshares update- Sanjay simultaneously influences me to post but also intimidates me.

I wish it were a nicer day out today- I recently discovered Garfield Park, which is kind of on my side of town and offers an opportunity to sit out in a nature slightly less taxidermied than suburbia.

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